=== Plugin Name === Contributors: osdwebdev Tags: wordpress, blog search, search, blog posts only search, custom search, search only posts Requires at least: 3.4 Tested up to: 4.1 Stable tag: 1.5 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html OSD Blog Search Widget plugin adds a widget that contains a form for searching blog posts only. Now includes a shortcode with two optional attributes - EX [osd_blog_search placeholder='search terms' class='test classes'] == Description == OSD Blog Search Widget can be placed in any area on your site that your theme allows. It provides a search box that will only display results from searching your blog posts. It excludes any other post type including Page and custom post types. It is light weight and works fine in conjunction with your current site search form. Now includes a shortcode with two optional attributes - EX [osd_blog_search placeholder='search terms' class='test classes'] Translations: Serbian, by Ogi Djuraskovic (http://firstsiteguide.com/) == Installation == 1. Upload the osd-blog-search-widget directory to your `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 3. Navigate in the admin section to Appearance > Widgets 4. Drag the new OSD Blog Search Widget to an available container 5. Start searching your blog only! == Frequently Asked Questions == = Soon to come? = Yes, as users ask us questions. == Screenshots == 1. Widget Placement screen 2. Search input in left sidebar == Changelog == = 1.5 = * Now includes a shortcode with two optional attributes - EX [osd_blog_search placeholder='search terms' class='test classes'] * Place the shortcode anywhere in your content to have a blog only search box = 1.3 = * Now translated into Serbian = 1.2 = * Added placeholder field for search input * Added internationalization support .pot file = 1.1 = * Removed erroneous PHP notice in debug mode = 1.0 = * Initial creation of the Blog Search Widget == Upgrade Notice == = 1.0 = Adds a search box that searches blog posts only == A brief Feature List == 1. Widget can be placed anywhere in your theme that allows widgets 2. Works with the current site wide search enabled. 4. Your site will now have 2 search options. 3. Lightweight Link to plugin page [Wordpress plugin page](https://wordpress.org/plugins/osd-blog-search-widget/ "Link"). [markdown syntax]: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax "Markdown is what the parser uses to process much of the readme file"